Thursday, July 15, 2021

How to configure the xDSL Service in PPPoE Mode on MA5600T

On a fiber to the x (FTTx) network, if the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T provides x digital subscriber line (xDSL) services for broadband users and the users connect to the Internet in Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) dialup mode, you can configure the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T by referring to this topic to provide users with high-speed Internet (HIS) services. The MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T functions as an optical network unit (ONU) in this service. PPPoE is a commonly used Internet access mode currently. In this mode, broadband users are authenticated, authorized, and charged in Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) method.

Service Requirements

  • The user accesses the Internet through the PPPoE dialup.
  • The user packet goes upstream carrying two VLAN tags. The outer VLAN tag identifies the service and the inner VLAN tag identifies the user. The service of each user is identified by unique S-VLAN+C-VLAN, that is, this is a 1:1 access scenario.
  • A traffic profile is adopted for rate limitation. The user access rate is 2048 kbit/s.
  • To ensure reliability, dual GE ports are adopted for upstream transmission, and link aggregation is configured for the two upstream ports.

Figure 1 shows an example network of the xDSL Internet access service through the PPPoE dialup.

Figure 1 Example network of the xDSL Internet access service through the PPPoE dialup


  • The AAA function must be configured.
    • To enable the AAA function on the device, see Configuring the Local AAA.
    • If the AAA function is implemented by the BRAS, a connection to the BRAS must be established. The BRAS should be capable of identifying the VLAN tag of the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T in the upstream direction. For the identification purpose, the user name and password for dial-up Internet access must be configured on the BRAS.


  1. Configure a VLAN.

    Configure S-VLAN 50 with the stacking attribute. The user packet goes upstream carrying two VLAN tags. The outer VLAN tag identifies the service and the inner VLAN tag identifies the user. The service of each user is identified by unique S-VLAN+C-VLAN, and the VLAN forwarding mode is the S-VLAN+C-VLAN mode.

    huawei(config)#vlan 50 smart  
    huawei(config)#vlan attrib 50 stacking 
    huawei(config)#vlan forwarding 50 vlan-connect
  2. Configure upstream ports.

    Add upstream ports 0/19/0 and 0/19/1 to VLAN 50. Two ports are added for the purpose of port aggregation.

    huawei(config)#port vlan 50 0/19 0   
    huawei(config)#port vlan 50 0/19 1  

    To aggregate the two upstream ports as one aggregation group, set the packet forwarding mode of the aggregation group to egress-ingress, and set the aggregation group to work in the LACP static mode, do as follows:

    huawei(config)#link-aggregation 0/19 0 0/19 1 egress-ingress workmode lacp-static

    The aggregated ports must meet the following requirements: The ports must work in the full-duplex mode; the port rates must be the same and the rate of an electrical port must not be of the auto-negotiation type; the attributes of the ports, such as the default VLAN ID (PVID) and VLAN, must be the same; one port can belong to only one aggregation group; the port must not be a mirroring destination port; the port must not be in the auto-negotiation mode; the start port ID must be smaller than the end port ID.

  3. In the ADSL access mode, follow this procedure.
    1. Configure an ADSL2+ profile. For details, see Overview of Configuring ADSL2+ Templates and Profiles. The default ADSL2+ line template (line template 1) and the default ADSL2+ alarm template (alarm template 1) are used as an example.
    2. Activate the ADSL port, and bind the ADSL2+ templates.


      By default, an ADSL port is in the activated state. Before binding a template to the port, you must deactivate the port.

      In the ADSL access mode, bind the default ADSL2+ line template 1 and ADSL2+ alarm template 1 to ADSL port 0/2/0.

      huawei(config)#interface adsl 0/2
      huawei(config-if-adsl-0/2)#deactivate 0
      huawei(config-if-adsl-0/2)#activate 0 profile-index 1
      huawei(config-if-adsl-0/2)#alarm-config 0 1

    3. Run the display traffic table command to query the existing traffic profiles in the system.

      huawei(config)#display traffic table ip from-index 0
      { <cr>|to-index<K> }:
                display traffic table ip from-index 0
         TID CIR      CBS      PIR      PBS      Pri Copy-policy         Pri-Policy
             (kbps)   (bytes)  (kbps)   (bytes)
           0 1024     34768    2048     69536      6 -                      tag-pri
           1 2496     81872    4992     163744     6 -                      tag-pri
           2 512      18384    1024     36768      0 -                      tag-pri
           3 576      20432    1152     40864      2 -                      tag-pri
           4 64       4048     128      8096       4 -                      tag-pri
           5 2048     67536    4096     135072     0 -                      tag-pri
           6 off      off      off      off        0 -                      tag-pri
        Total Num : 7

      According to service requirements, the user access rate is 2048 kbit/s. The query result shows that traffic profile 5 (for inbound and outbound rate limitation) meets the requirements.

      • If a matched traffic profile is not available in the system, run the traffic table ip command to configure a new traffic profile.
      • On the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T, the user access rate can be limited by either a traffic profile or an ADSL line profile. When both profiles are configured, the smaller one of the two rates configured in the profiles is adopted as the user bandwidth. In this example, the traffic profile is used to limit the user access rate.

    4. Run the service-port command to create a service port, adopt traffic profile 5, and set the S-VLAN ID to 50. The index of the service port is 1, and the VPI and VCI of the service port must be the same as the management VPI and VCI of the peer modem. Assume that the management VPI and VCI of the modem are 1 and 39, and the access port ID is 0/2/0. To facilitate the maintenance of the service port, also configure the service port description.
      huawei(config)#service-port 1 vlan 50 adsl 0/2/0 vpi 1 vci 39 inbound traffic-table index 5 outbound traffic-table index 5    
      huawei(config)#service-port desc 1 description Vlanid:50/adsl/vpi:1vci:39/stacking 
    5. Set the C-VLAN ID of the preset service port 1 to 10 for identifying the user. Configure the important user packet with a higher priority so that the user packet can be processed with precedence, and set the priority of the inner VLAN to 4.
      huawei(config)#stacking label service-port 1 10 
      huawei(config)#stacking inner-priority service-port 1 4
  4. In the SHDSL access mode, follow this procedure.
    1. Configure an SHDSL profile. For details, see Configuring SHDSL Profiles. Add SHDSL line profile 3 of the PTM type, with the maximum line rate 2048 kbit/s.
      huawei(config)#shdsl line-profile quickadd 3 ptm rate 512 2048 
    2. Activate SHDSL port 0/3/1, and bind the preset SHDSL line profile 3 and the default SHDSL alarm template (alarm template 1) to the port.


      By default, an SHDSL port is in the activated state. Before binding a profile or template to the port, you must deactivate the port.

      huawei(config)#interface shl 0/3 
      huawei(config-if-shl-0/3)#deactivate 1
      huawei(config-if-shl-0/3)#activate 1 3
      huawei(config-if-shl-0/3)#alarm-config 1 1 

    3. Run the display traffic table command to query the existing traffic profiles in the system.

      huawei(config)#display traffic table ip from-index 0
      { <cr>|to-index<K> }:
                display traffic table ip from-index 0
         TID CIR      CBS      PIR      PBS      Pri Copy-policy         Pri-Policy
             (kbps)   (bytes)  (kbps)   (bytes)
           0 1024     34768    2048     69536      6 -                      tag-pri
           1 2496     81872    4992     163744     6 -                      tag-pri
           2 512      18384    1024     36768      0 -                      tag-pri
           3 576      20432    1152     40864      2 -                      tag-pri
           4 64       4048     128      8096       4 -                      tag-pri
           5 2048     67536    4096     135072     0 -                      tag-pri
           6 off      off      off      off        0 -                      tag-pri
        Total Num : 7

      According to service requirements, the user access rate is 2048 kbit/s. The query result shows that traffic profile 5 (for inbound and outbound rate limitation) meets the requirements.

      • If a matched traffic profile is not available in the system, run the traffic table ip command to configure a new traffic profile.
      • On the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T, the user access rate can be limited by either a traffic profile or an SHDSL line profile. When both profiles are configured, the smaller one of the two rates configured in the profiles is adopted as the user bandwidth. In this example, the traffic profile is used to limit the user access rate.

    4. Run the service-port command to create a service port, adopt traffic profile 5, and set the S-VLAN ID to 50. Set the SHDSL channel mode to PTM, and create service port 2 on SHDSL port 0/3/1. To facilitate the maintenance of the service port, also configure the service port description.
      huawei(config)#service-port 2 vlan 50 shdsl mode ptm 0/3/1 inbound traffic-table
       index 5 outbound traffic-table index 5
      huawei(config)#service-port desc 2 description Vlanid:50/shdsl/vpi:1vci:39/stacking
    5. Set the C-VLAN ID of the preset service port 2 to 10 for identifying the user. Configure the important user packet with a higher priority so that the user packet can be processed with precedence, and set the priority of the inner VLAN to 4.
      huawei(config)#stacking label service-port 2 10
      huawei(config)#stacking inner-priority service-port 2 4 
  5. In the VDSL access mode, follow this procedure.

    In this example, the VDSL normal mode is used as an example.

    1. Configure a VDSL profile. For details, see Overview of Configuring VDSL2 Templates and Profiles. Assume that the VDSL profile ID is 3, downstream rate is 2048 kbit/s, channel mode is the interleave mode, maximum downstream interleave delay is 8 ms, maximum upstream interleave delay is 2 ms, SNR margin is 6 dB, minimum downstream INP is 4, and minimum upstream INP is 2.
      huawei(config)#vdsl line-profile quickadd 3 snr 60 0 300 60 0 300
      huawei(config)#vdsl channel-profile quickadd 3 path-mode ptm interleaved-delay 8 2 inp 4 2 rate 
      128 10000 128 10000 2048 2048
      huawei(config)#vdsl line-template quickadd 3 line 3 channel1 3 100 100
    2. Activate VDSL port 0/4/1, and bind the preset VDSL line template 3 and the default VDSL alarm template (alarm template 1) to the port.


      By default, a VDSL port is in the activated state. Before binding a template to the port, you must deactivate the port.

      huawei(config)#interface vdsl 0/4 
      huawei(config-if-vdsl-0/4)#deactivate 1 
      huawei(config-if-vdsl-0/4)#activate 1 template-index 3
      huawei(config-if-vdsl-0/4)#alarm-config 1 1 

    3. Run the display traffic table command to query the existing traffic profiles in the system.

      huawei(config)#display traffic table ip from-index 0
      { <cr>|to-index<K> }:
                display traffic table ip from-index 0
         TID CIR      CBS      PIR      PBS      Pri Copy-policy         Pri-Policy
             (kbps)   (bytes)  (kbps)   (bytes)
           0 1024     34768    2048     69536      6 -                      tag-pri
           1 2496     81872    4992     163744     6 -                      tag-pri
           2 512      18384    1024     36768      0 -                      tag-pri
           3 576      20432    1152     40864      2 -                      tag-pri
           4 64       4048     128      8096       4 -                      tag-pri
           5 2048     67536    4096     135072     0 -                      tag-pri
           6 off      off      off      off        0 -                      tag-pri
        Total Num : 7

      According to service requirements, the user access rate is 2048 kbit/s. The query result shows that traffic profile 5 (for inbound and outbound rate limitation) meets the requirements.

      • If a matched traffic profile is not available in the system, run the traffic table ip command to configure a new traffic profile.
      • On the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T, the user access rate can be limited by either a traffic profile or a VDSL line profile. When both profiles are configured, the smaller one of the two rates configured in the profiles is adopted as the user bandwidth. In this example, the traffic profile is used to limit the user access rate.

    4. Run the service-port command to create a service port, adopt traffic profile 5, and set the S-VLAN ID to 50. Set the VDSL channel mode to PTM, and create service port 3 on VDSL port 0/4/1. To facilitate the maintenance of the service port, also configure the service port description.
      huawei(config)#service-port 3 vlan 50 vdsl mode ptm 0/4/1 inbound traffic-table 
      index 5 outbound traffic-table index 5
      huawei(config)#service-port desc 3 description Vlanid:50/vdsl/vpi:1vci:39/stacking
    5. Set the C-VLAN ID of the preset service port 3 to 10 for identifying the user. Configure the important user packet with a higher priority so that the user packet can be processed with precedence, and set the priority of the inner VLAN to 4.
      huawei(config)#stacking label service-port 3 10 
      huawei(config)#stacking inner-priority service-port 3 4  
  6. Configure the user account security.

    The PITP P mode can be enabled to protect the user account against theft and roaming. The RAIO mode can be customized according to actual requirements. The encoding format required by China Telecom is considered as an example. The encoding format required by China Telecom is a customized format, corresponding to the cntel option.

    huawei(config)#pitp enable pmode
    huawei(config)#raio-mode cntel pitp-pmode 
    For details about the PITP configuration for the user account security, see Configuring Anti-theft and Roaming of User Accounts Using PITP.
  7. Save the data.


  • Dialing verification on the user side:
    • Step 1: Configure the user name and password for the dialup on the modem (the user name and password must be the same as those configured on the BRAS).
    • Step 2: Dial up on the PC by using the PPPoE dialup software. After the dialup is successful, the user can access the Internet.
    • Step 3: When FTP is used to download files, after the dialup is performed on the PPPoE dialup software, the PPPoE dialup software prompts that the dialup is successful. Then, the PC can access the Internet in the PPPoE mode.
    • Step 4: When downloading files through FTP, you can open Task Manager in Windows and click Networking to check the link speed. Then, you can calculate the Internet access rate by the following formula: Attainable Internet access rate = Computer network adapter rate/48 x 53 x 8. The calculation result approximates to the planned 2048 kbit/s.
  • Remote emulation dialing verification:
    • Step 1: On the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T, run the pppoe simulate start command to start the PPPoE emulation dialer (the entered user name, password, and authentication mode must be the same as those configured on the BRAS).
    • Step 2: Run the display pppoe simulate info command to query status of PPPoE emulation dialing. If the PPPoE emulation dialing result is success, that is, simulating interaction between the user and the BRAS is successful, the user can access the Internet in the PPPoE access mode.
    • After the emulation verification is completed, run the pppoe simulate stop command to stop the PPPoE emulation dialing task initiated by the user.

Configuration File

Configuration File in the ADSL access mode:

vlan 50 smart  
vlan attrib 50 stacking 
vlan forwarding 50 vlan-connect
port vlan 50 0/19 0
port vlan 50 0/19 1
link-aggregation 0/19 0 0/19 1 egress-ingress workmode lacp-static
interface adsl 0/2
deactivate 0
activate 0 profile-index 1
alarm-config 0 1
service-port 1 vlan 50 adsl 0/2/0 vpi 1 vci 39 inbound traffic-table index 5 outbound traffic-table index 5 
service-port desc 1 description Vlanid:50/adsl/vpi:1vci:39/stacking
stacking label service-port 1 10
stacking inner-priority service-port 1 4
pitp enable pmode
raio-mode cntel pitp-pmode 

Configuration File in the SHDSL access mode:

vlan 50 smart  
vlan attrib 50 stacking 
vlan forwarding 50 vlan-connect
port vlan 50 0/19 0
port vlan 50 0/19 1
link-aggregation 0/19 0 0/19 1 egress-ingress workmode lacp-static
shdsl line-profile quickadd 3 ptm rate 512 2048 
interface shl 0/3
deactivate 1
activate 1 3
alarm-config 1 1
service-port 2 vlan 50 shdsl mode ptm 0/3/1 inbound traffic-table index 5 outbound traffic-table index 5
service-port desc 2 description Vlanid:50/shdsl/vpi:1vci:39/stacking
stacking label service-port 2 10  
stacking inner-priority service-port 2 4 
pitp enable pmode
raio-mode cntel pitp-pmode 

Configuration File in the VDSL access mode:

vlan 50 smart  
vlan attrib 50 stacking 
vlan forwarding 50 vlan-connect
port vlan 50 0/19 0
port vlan 50 0/19 1
link-aggregation 0/19 0 0/19 1 egress-ingress workmode lacp-static
vdsl line-profile quickadd 3 snr 60 0 300 60 0 300
vdsl channel-profile quickadd 3 path-mode ptm interleaved-delay 8 2 inp 4 2 rate 
128 10000 128 10000 2048 2048
interface vdsl 0/4
deactivate 1
activate 1 template-index 3
alarm-config 1 1
service-port 3 vlan 50 vdsl mode ptm 0/4/1 inbound traffic-table index 5 outbound traffic-table index 5
service-port desc 3 description Vlanid:50/vdsl/vpi:1vci:39/stacking
stacking label service-port 3 10
stacking inner-priority service-port 3 4 
stacking inner-priority service-port 2 4 
pitp enable pmode
raio-mode cntel pitp-pmode 