Thursday, March 9, 2023

Remote Shutdown Huawei OLT OTDR


Issue Description

The requirement is to Remote Shutdown OTDR, Huawei GPON OLT, for a site as its Temperature is >65 C now and further increasing . Since Quarentene has been applied for the city by government hence no body can access site to manually shut down the equipment. Thus we need whatever possible way to shutdown / lock / disbale / OSS the equipment from NOC. 


Product : U2000

Version: U2000 V200R017C60SPC2015


VERSION : MA5800V100R019C10

PATCH   : SPC208



confirmed  , currently  device FTU and OLT doesn’t  support remotely shutdown .

But the OLT board can be power off or set to energy-saving  mode


For your reference :


board power-off frameid/slotid

board power-on frameid/slotid


huawei(config)#board power-off 0/3
  There are services running on the board ,     
  this operation will interrupt the services of the board,     
  are you sure to power off the board?(y/n)[n]y
  The board is being powered off, please wait.
  The board is powered off successfully



system energy-saving mode [ mode ]

undo system energy-saving mode


huawei(config)#system energy-saving mode                                                                                            
{ <cr>|mode<E><basic,deep,optimal,standard> }:basic                                                                                
          system energy-saving mode basic                                                                                           
  Set the energy-saving mode successfully        



       OLT Temperature based on board ,different  board settings  may different .





       Confirmed with R&D ,FTU no such mechanism , it cannot shutdown based on temperature .