A switch must use optical or copper modules that have been certified for use on Huawei S switches. Non-certified optical or copper modules cannot ensure transmission reliability and may affect service stability. Huawei is not liable for any problem caused by the use of non-certified optical or copper modules and will not fix such problems.
The methods provided here are only for reference. To confirm whether optical modules you are using have been certified for use on Huawei S switches, contact Huawei technical support.
10GE or Lower Speed Optical Modules
Huawei started certification on 10GE or lower speed optical modules for S switch products on July 1, 2013.
To determine whether optical modules delivered for Huawei S switches before July 1, 2013 are certified ones, contact Huawei technical support.
If your optical modules are delivered after July 1, 2013, use either of the following methods to determine whether they have been certified by Huawei.
Method 1: Check for "HUAWEI" on the label
If an optical module has been certified by Huawei, its label contains "HUAWEI", as shown in Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1 "HUAWEI" on the label of a Huawei-certified S switch optical module
Method 2: Run the command
An optical module has received Huawei S switch certification if it meets the following conditions:
For a device running V200 version:
In the display elabel command output, the Manufactured field displays a date later than 2013-07-01.
In the display version command output, the displayed version is V200R001C00 or later.
In the display transceiver command output, the Vendor Name field displays HUAWEI.

The SFP-FE-SX-MM1310 (part number: 02315233) is a Huawei-certified 100M optical module. However, the Vendor Name field displays the original manufacturer name, instead of HUAWEI.
For copper modules, the Vendor Name field also displays the original manufacturer name, instead of HUAWEI.
25GE, 40GE, and 100GE QSFP28 Optical Modules
Huawei started certification on 25GE, 40GE, and 100GE optical modules for S switch products on January 1, 2016.
To determine whether optical modules delivered for Huawei S switches before January 1, 2016 are certified ones, contact Huawei technical support.
If your optical modules are delivered after January 1, 2016, use either of the following methods to determine whether they have been certified by Huawei.
Method 1: Check for "HUAWEI" on the label
If an optical module has been certified by Huawei, its label contains "HUAWEI", as shown in Figure 10-1.
Method 2: Run the command
A 25GE, 40GE, or 100GE optical module has received Huawei S switch certification if it meets the following conditions:
For a device running V200 version:
In the display elabel command output, the Manufactured field displays a date later than 2016-01-01.
In the display version command output, the displayed version is V200R008 or later.
In the display transceiver command output, the Vendor Name field displays HUAWEI.

For the optical modules connected to high-speed cables or AOC cables, the Vendor Name field displays the original manufacturer name, instead of HUAWEI. For the methods of checking whether such an optical module has been certified by Huawei, contact Huawei technical support personnel.